Please do have a browse our eclectic mix of alternative transport books, videos and assorted odd things, as we explore the interface between bicycles and the world of transport. From £5.99 to £47.00.
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Apex: The Inside Story of the Hillman Imp
Apex: The Inside Story of the Hillman Imp
David & Peter Henshaw
You never quite know what we’re going to publish next. Actually, this was our first book, back in 1988. The Imp is a greatly misunderstood car, and actually a really nice little machine. If you’ve heard it’s unreliable, it certainly can be, but it’s unreliable in the way a fine racehorse can be unreliable. It’s highly-strung and needs to be cosetted, but it will do whatever you ask if it likes you, and trusts you.
Apex was reprinted in 1990, and we got a bit busy with other things for the next thirty years, then we realised that the Imp had become an iconic masterpiece of 1960s engineering and design for a new generation. So we dusted off the old Amstrad discs (yes, horribly true), reworked the text, brought the story right up to date with two new chapters, added 150 colour photographs, and here’s Apex 3.
£24.99! Can be Posted Worldwide
The Dodding’s Farm Watercress Railway
David Henshaw
Narrow gauge industrial and agricultural railways reached their peak in the early years of the 20th century and gradually declined thereafter, killed off by industrial closures, changing working practises and road competition. By 2015 there was only one left. A single railway remained at work on a watercress farm in deepest, darkest Dorset. Largely forgotten by corporate executives, the ancient locomotive ‘Watercress Queen’ plodded around the watercress beds doing what it had done since it was built in 1948. Today, in 2023, it’s still at work, although its future hangs by a thread today. Railway author David Henshaw tells the story of the locomotive, the people who worked the beds and the railway that refused to die.
Released August 2023 £9.99!

Will Butler-Adams & Dan Davies
‘The Brompton’ is a fascinating 270-page read by Brompton’s managing director Will Butler-Adams. How a small engineering works in west London was brought into the 21st Century. This is obviously written with a ‘factory’ hat on, so a slightly different perspective to our book ‘Brompton Bicycle’, but Will is very honest about the things he might have done differently with the benefit of hindsight.
First edition hardback £25.00

Real stories from early adopters
Peter Henshaw
‘We Bought One!’ brings together the experiences of electric car owners, some new to electrics, but others involved for a decade or more.
50 pages packed with essential information, including hints and tips on which model to buy, new or secondhand, charging, and dealing with such hardy perennials as Range Anxiety.
£2.99 (downloadable PDF)

The Hub of the Universe
A Century and more of Sturmey-Archer
Tony Hadland & Alan Clarke
This book is a completely reworked second edition of the 1987 book ‘The Sturmey-Archer Story’ by Tony Hadland, rewritten with the assistance and co-operation of Alan Clarke of Sturmey-Archer
When we say reworked, we mean it. The book now runs to 368 pages, and it’s superbly illustrated with mostly colour photographs, many drawn from Sturmey-Archer’s own archives. Not the cheapest – in fact probably the most expensive book we’ve sold – but it does just about everything you could possibly want: part workshop manual, part history, part sumptuous ‘coffee table’ volume. In short, the very best book on Sturmey-Archer hub gears, brakes and other bicycle accessories you’re ever going to see. Unless Tony writes a sequel.
£47 plus postage