A to B 139: Brompton Second Hand, Swapfiets, Wheels, Lean-Steer


Cover to cover fascination, including second-hand Bromptons, Swapfiets bikes, the story of the Wheel, Alpine Tilt-Trike and the world’s liveliest letters pages


In A to B issue 139:


* Swapfiets
A to B Approved
It’s a great way to start cycle commuting, and a great way to buy a Dutch Fiets in London. And you might just get your employer to take on a pool of company bikes

* Buying Brompton Second-hand
A to B Approved

A second-hand Brompton can be a really good investment, and it can also be a disappointment. We point buyers towards the best buys after nearly 35 years of production

* The Wheel
Ever thought about where it came from and where it’s going? A few answers, and almost as many questions on the incredible wheel story

* Lean-Steer (Alpine Tilt-Trike)
A to B Approved
We approved the Alpine Tilt-trike, but narrowly! The equipment is not the best, but the tilting part is great. Leansteer trikes are the best kind, but hard to find and not always trouble-free

* Pivot Points
Natural Hydrogen, Super-efficient Electric Heaters, Quadricycles

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