A to B 47 – April 2005 – Brompton S2L-X & P6R-XDL, Mezzo i4, Hase Pino


A vintage issue of A to B… Tim the artist at his most creative, David Henshaw writing some quite funny stuff and a magazine that was stil growing fast in paper form, although digital wasn’t far away. Lots about Brompton, and the relatively short-lived Mezzo folding bike


a-to-b-47In the 47th edition, first published April 2005:

Workshop: Brompton Wide-ration Gears
2005 Brompton Range: A full review of the substantial changes in that model year
The Trial: Brompton S2L-X
The Trial: Brompton 6R-XDL
The Trial: Mezzo i4
The Trial: Hase Pino recumbent

A very important time, particularly for Brompton, which was coming out of self-imposed isolation after the trauma of the Sturmey-Archer closure…


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