• KTM eRace P650
• Cycling Chic
• The Great Railway Conspiracy
• AtoB at 100: The Mole August 2004
• Mission E-Solo trike
• PLUS: Letters, News, and a selection of second-hand bikes.
We occasionally ask ourselves, ‘What is A to B?’
And ‘What is it for?’
They’re rather difficult questions to answer. Many years ago, the magazine covered folding things, then majored on folding bicycles for a while, almost became an electric bike magazine in the early noughties (and quite a naughty magazine too – see page 30), then we did quite a bit on rail, a few battery buses, green energy, and electric cars. These days, you might find one or all of those things in a typical issue, which makes it a bit hard to define. For example, we say we never test MTBs, but this issue sees us trying a very typical KTM power-assisted model.
We struggle a bit finding outlets these days: bicycle shops don’t like the powered machines, and car dealers don’t like the bicycles, but that’s A to B. If it moves or it involves energy, it just might be inside.
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