A to B 107 – April 2015 – Folding bikes over £500, Fuel Cells



folding-bikes-over-£500In the 107th edition of A to B:

Investigation: Folding Bikes Over £500
Technology: Battery Charging, Tyre Rolling Resistance, Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Solar Energy: iBoost Update

Don’t expect a big story based on our cover, because it’s only a tiny item this time, but our hunch is that range-extended electric vehicles are the future, and that will ultimately mean bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles, cars, taxis and buses. Some are even saying aircraft.
On more traditional A to B ground, if you’re looking for an interesting child or adult bicycle, flick straight to the small ads on page 15, because we’re having a grand spring clean.We’ll particularly miss the little 18- and 20-inch Puky bikes, that have done two children proud over quite a few years, but with Orlando now inseparable from the Junior Brompton, their day is long gone.We have a few interesting folders too, from a Radnall Micro to a Strida.


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