Dorchester and Poundbury Walking and Cycling map


A to B magazine’s free digital cycle map of Dorchester and Poundbury in Dorset, with our compliments!


Our digital PDF map of Dorchester & Poundbury was first produced in 2008 and has gradually been updated. The  latest 2019 edition shows several new routes in and around Poundbury and was produced when we published to coincide with an article on Poundbury in A to B 123, where we were shocked to discover just how badly walking and cycle routes were signed and mapped in Poundbury… er, not at all on either count.
The map’s a free download, and a relatively small file, but packed with useful information for anyone needing to walk or cycle in and around Dorchester. It will play on any device from a mainframe PC to an iPhone, but let us know if you have issues
