Everything you ever wanted to know about: BUYING AND USING AN ELECTRIC CAR

A to B 89 – Nissan Leaf

A to B 94 – Renault Twizy

A to B 110 – BMW i3

A to B 126 – Electric Cars Special!
Bringing together easily downloaded PDFs of four fascinating A to B magazines with features on the background and development of the Electric Car, including an early road-test of the Nissan Leaf, a test of the Range Extender BMW i3, plus the Renault Twizy and Siticars Me quadricycles, and our Electric Car Special from late 2019, featuring our experience from beginning to end: choosing the Peugeot Partner van, plus buying a car, running and charging a car, and installing the solar panels to power it. A to B 126 has lots of other background on where electric cars are and where they are likely to go in the next few months.
Electric cars aren’t cheap. This handy guide makes essential reading
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