
Giant Lafree Motor Drive Sprocket

Original price was: £15.00.Current price is: £12.50.

This is now the only motor drive sprocket available for the 2000-2006 Giant Lafree, so do make sure you get one while stocks last! Not an expensive part, and genuinely lasts a lifetime


Giant Lafree Motor Drive SprocketLafree Lifetimes
When Giant ceased manufacture of the motor drive sprockets for the 2000-2006 era Lafree electric bikes, we jumped into action and had a batch of sprockets made. They are British, and last for much longer than the original part – in fact, we’ve never had a customer ask for a replacement, so it’s effectively a lifetime sprocket.

We’d love to be able to supple a similar sprocket for the later, post-2006 Lafree, but we CANNOT! These are completely different. If you order one of ours, it will not be of use to you.