Miniature Railways


First published by Shire Publications in 1999, this book has been revised and reconstructed, leaving only the title in common with the first edition! Written by our own editor David Henshaw, it runs through the genre of miniature railways from the very earliest estate lines to the modern scene. It’s a huge subject, but the book covers as many as possible, with a concentration on the more interesting examples.

Publisher: Shire Publications
April 2021
ISBN: 978 1 78442 440 4
Pages: 64
£8.99 plus total order p&p (£1.99 in the UK, by weight overseas)


Who says we only publish rather specialist titles! You may or may not have an interest in Suffolk, or Suffolk miniature railways, but we guarantee this large-format A4 book will be of interest, and anyway, it isn’t costing a fortune! Looks in some detail at ten of the most interesting private garden railways in the county of Suffolk, which has always been blessed with a good crop of garden railways. If you’re thinking of building your own, it’s a great place to start, for the cost of a couple of sleepers.

Publisher: Shire Publications
April 2021
ISBN: 978 1 78442 440 4
Pages: 64
Weight: 150 grams
£8.99 plus total order p&p (£1.99 in the UK, by weight overseas)


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