We’ve spent the last twenty years doing silly things in, under or on top of vehicles, but sadly we haven’t always had a video handy to capture the moment. This is the meagre selection of A to B transport videos preserved for future generations to marvel at. There are a few more on our YouTube channel
AUGUST 2018. We were delighted to complete over 217 miles in 12 hours riding our Greenspeed X4 recumbent. Not bad going on a constricted 7.25″ gauge miniature railway circuit, and with only two riders – David and Orlando.
AUGUST 2016. A bit of extra information to go with the story about the Cambridge Guided Busway in A to B issue 114, published in November 2016.
For several years we opened our house every autumn as part of an ‘eco-home’ scheme. This is David holding forth about solar panels and so forth.
We were testing the Renault Twizy electric car and couldn’t resist adding an Elvis soundtrack. Watch the reaction of the small boy walking along the pavement near the end…
Some say this whole video – filmed at Red Cliff Wharf near Wareham – is an early example of fake news, and others say it’s not a great feat anyway. Any bike can pull a boat! Yeah, sure.
‘Devilique’, our vintage Gull may only be a little boat, but it’s mighty heavy, and by the end of the afternoon we’d put a kink in the seat post. It IS cheating in one respect though, because this is of course a Nano-Brompton, so there’s a touch of power-assist there to get the boat moving. We also tried pulling it up the slipway, which worked, but a restart proved just too much.
We only attended a couple of Brompton World Championships. This was our second visit to Blenheim Palace before the Championship was moved to the much less exciting Goodwood circuit. The rather slow unfold is because we’re using a conventional Brompton with a Brompton trailer bike on the back, so the saddle has to be removed and replaced when the bike is assembled. Oh, and we also have 20 watts of stereo sound running from the rear pannier, operated by Alexander
We helped in a small way with the production of this video, which dates back to 1996, when Encycleopedia seemed unstoppable, but this was actually not long before its calamitous collapse. Watch out for David Henshaw’s small cameo performance demonstrating the Brompton in the folding bike section
The local television company had a slot to fill, and decided it should be us. The whole thing is filmed in the course of a beautiful day in 1995 or thereabouts.
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